Artist Statement
The process of making art is mysterious. Whether painting on paper or canvas or mixing media or using the touch screen of an iPad, carving stone or working in clay, my art is always work of inspiration and improvisation. The first thing I have to do is get out of my own way. I sit quietly, pick up my materials, take a breath, let go and see where the moment takes me. I am always surprised and often amazed.
A blinding spark flashed
within the concealed of the concealed
From the mystery of the infinite
a cluster of vapor in formlessness….
Under the impact of breaking through,
one high and hidden point shone.
Beyond the point nothing is known.
So it is called “Beginning.”

Nina Lipkowitz was born and spent most of her adult life in New York City, where she earned a degree in art history and later studied almost everything offered at the Art Students League.
Fueled by her endless curiosity and deep belief in the power of spirit Nina has been a sculptor, a potter, a painter, an educator-guide at the American Museum of Natural History and a yoga teacher. Today, living in Great Barrington, MA, in the magical Berkshires, she has found the freedom to explore her many voices.
​Nina and her husband, photographer and master printer John Lipkowitz are founding members of the artist-owned 510 Warren Street Gallery in Hudson, NY. She is a member of the Guild of Berkshire Artists, and a lifetime member of the Art Students League of New York. Her work has been exhibited in both group and one-woman shows throughout the United States and can be found in private collections in North America and Europe. Please contact the artist at for information on purchasing and exhibiting her work.